Services & Support
A human needs trauma to grow. Some people’s are BIG, some small. It does not matter the size, all traumas from our past impact how we see the world and ourselves. I believe it is our mission in life to learn to transform these traumas in a way that projects us forward rather than holds us back.
We don’t carry the past with us, we carry our interpretation of the past, and once you change this you can change your life forever.
Please read the definition of Time Line Therapy to understand how this is done.

Bad Habits
Bad habits are automated behaviours which means they are driven by the subconscious.
We can talk about the habit from every angle but it won’t budge. This is why a person cannot stop bad habits just through talk based therapy. The habit must be replaced through transformational hypnosis and or NLP processes.
Bad habits may include things such as drinking, food addictions, biting nails/ skin, hair pulling our, tics, anger etc.
As hard as it can be to believe, all bad habits have a positive intention whether you realise it or not. Your subconscious is allowing this bad habit so that it can serve you at your deepest level or assist you to avoid feeling a certain negative emotion.
Together we identify what emotion your subconscious is trying to avoid or gain, and help you reprogram a new way to achieve this positive intention instead of repeating the bad habit.
Anxiety/ Panic Attacks
Don’t live with managing anxiety; Take it away for good.
Anxiety is thoughts / emotions regarding fear of the future, which is held in your subconscious to protect you. It’s a form of unconscious behaviour, running maladapted programs repeatedly. Your mind created it to protect you which is good news because it means it can uncreate it too if you harness your mind.
Although experienced in our adult lives, anxiety is something we often carry as a result of a childhood event. Whether they are beliefs, perceptions, experiences, they have been interpreted through the eyes of a child and carried on into our adult life (this is why they do not serve us).
Your mind created these emotions, and through NLP and hypnosis techniques, I can set up positive programming so that previous trigger events are water off a ducks back.
I have been there. I lived half my life with anxiety, masking it as “shy” for 30 years. It infiltrated all areas of my life, relationships, friendships, career, where I lived. I thought I had a problem with my brain because I’d experience complete blocks in my thought process when set off by triggers believing that was just who I was.
NLP and hypnosis enabled me to cut the anxiety cords that were pulling me back and heal the negative beliefs about myself that the anxiety was created around. This is one of the reasons I am a therapist as I'm on a mission to end peoples suffering the natural way.
People often say they had no idea how much their anxiety was playing a part in their life until it was gone and can’t believe they lived with these unnecessary reactions to life for so long.

Eating Challenges and Body Image
Struggles with food and body image often run deeper than food and weight. Whether you're dealing with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, overeating, or any challenging relationship with food and your body, we'll work together on both psychological and behavioural aspects, supporting your journey toward recovery and a more balanced, compassionate relationship with yourself. I have extensive experience in this area, working with individuals and families.
Digestive Disorders
The mind and gut are deeply connected.. By exploring how stress, emotions, and thought patterns influence digestion, we can work together to ease symptoms and improve your digestive health. This approach supports both your physical wellbeing and emotional balance, helping you feel better from the inside out.

Taking Back Control
Feeling emotionally abused, walked over, weak, taken advantage of, or scared by another person?
When you are not in direct physical danger, and these emotions are occurring and making you feel deregulated and you cannot be your best self, it’s usually because you don’t have meta-physical boundaries in place.
These negative feelings are emotions we have created in the subconscious that are an automatic reaction to certain people or situations. Through NLP and hypnosis we can change the structure of how we react, and create an automatic inner strength that enables us to be unaffected by these people or situations.
Boundaries serve everyone involved, including the perpetrator, even though it does not feel like it at the time. My sessions on boundaries are empowering so that you can experience life confidently as your best self. Boundary work can help with partners, ex partners, work relationships, friendships, families, children etc.
Binging, Over Eating / Weight Gain
Your unconscious is going to do whatever it takes to do what it thinks brings you safety or comfort. It can do this through feelings in the body such as cravings, thoughts in the mind such as "you deserve it", and physical reactions to your body such as IBS.
The problem is sometimes our subconscious is programmed with bad data ie If I am heavy it keeps certain men away from me or if Im stressed eating will calm me down.
Our sessions work directly with the subconscious so that we can bring awareness as to why it is doing what it is doing which is the key to opening up the door to be able to reprogram these subconscious behaviours into positivebehaviours that work perfectly for you.

Burnout is a state of complete mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It reduces productivity, leaving you feeling helpless, hopeless, resentful, and with nothing left in the tank. Burnout can also affect your sleep, relationships and leave you vulnerable to illnesses.
The negative effects of burnout spill over into every area of life. The subconscious treats burnout like a trauma and will do everything it can to stop you from ever returning to the actions that caused it in the first place.
Burnout often stems from your job, however anyone who feels overworked and undervalued is at risk. From the hardworking office worker who hasn’t had a vacation in years, to the frazzled stay-at-home parent caring for their children, housework, partner or elderly parent.
Burnout can often feel like there is no way out. I work with you to bring clarity to the situation, assist in untangling things so that you can climb out and move towards the balance and happiness you are seeking in life.
Midlife Transformation
In our late 30s/40s/50s life forces us to work on our inner being. It can start as a whisper or it can happen suddenly where everything that meant so much to you now has less importance.
It’s a time where if you are not living life as your most authentic self, life is going to throw everything at you to try and get you there.
People either go one of three ways.
Cover it up - obtaining more meaningless material possessions and or taking on bad habits, trying to replace what is missing.
Ignore it- by pretending it is not happening to you which can lead to either the same issues coming up over and over as there has been no inner resolve or get bitter at life, never being able to enjoy it to the fullest fighting it or anyone in their path.
Face it- allowing the transition by turning inwards, connecting to your most authentic self so that you can live a life as the person you feel you were truly born to be.

Emotional/Narcissistic Abuse
Getting built up by someone for them to later put you down? Can’t understand how you are blamed for EVERYTHING? Find your relationship very confusing and think no one else will understand? Feel like if you stand up for yourself your words are twisted and thrown back in your face and nothing you can say is right?
I shine a light on what is going on, so these dynamics become clear and give you the space to understand whats happening so that you can recover. Healing from narcissist abuse is a process I am very passionate about. I have personally been there and can help you see the situation that seems so confusing at first from an outside perspective. Our sessions will give you clarity to gain awareness, and resilience, so you can heal your wounds and get back to you and loving yourself.
In cases where you must continue an ongoing relationship, such as co-parenting, work associates, family, friends or just fearful of running into them again, we also give you the tools to navigate these relationships with ease and control so that this person can not affect you any longer and they just become to you "a dot on the landscape of your life".
Self Sabotage
Unconsciously setting up situations in life to fail?
This is your unintentional way to support your limiting belief about yourself.
As uncanny as it sounds there is a certain satisfaction a person can get when they can say to themselves after a self-sabotaging action- “And there it is again, evidence that I am a …………….”
Why? Because most humans hate uncertainty even when it is holding them back from their dreams, and there is no uncertainty in proving to yourself that you can fail. But there is uncertainty in proving to yourself that you have the possibility to be greater than you could have ever imagined. So we usually choose the easy way…….failure
So how exactly do we self-sabotage?
- Micromanaging
- Perfectionist
- Procrastination
- Reassurance Seeking
- Avoiding risk
- Negative Thoughts
- Rehearsing limiting beliefs
- Saying “Don’t Deserve it”
Eg You won’t allow yourself to earn or save a certain amount of money or lose a certain amount of weight.
Or remaining stuck in life by brainwashing yourself with repetitive thoughts like – Nothing is ever going to get better, I will never find love, I'll never get married, I'll never leave school, I'm never going to get out of this hell hole.
How we break through from self-sabotage is through our limiting beliefs (held in the subconscious mind) about ourselves. And don’t worry even if you don’t know your limiting belief or where it originated we will find out in session and we can change that limiting belief through timeline therapy.
(To understand Timeline Therapy more Please go to the section named Timeline Therapy)
Timeline Therapy
Timeline Therapy is a process where we induce the brain wave state Alpha or Theta, this is the state we can access your subconscious mind
Where all your automatic thoughts and behaviours that control you consciously stem from. We do this through, NLP or Hypnotherapy.
(note: accessing your past with conscious thought ie talk base therapy does not change your subconscious behaviours)
Once we are in this state your subconscious will take you into your past to the root cause of the limiting belief. From here we look at the past, bringing the adult (who you are today) interpretation of this past event and can change your interpretation about how you see yourself in regards to this event. through asking a series of questions that bring many different perspectives that may have been impossible to see at that time.
(These interpretations were usually made about ourselves before the age of 10 as our brain had not developed perspective yet and whatever happens to or is witnessed by a child they blame themselves)
Once our subconscious changes the way we look at ourselves in regards to events in our past the things we look at change in our present.
Have you ever had an experience where you had a trauma in the past and you have said to yourself. “I know that person was in the wrong and it had nothing to do with me but I still cant help but feel ashamed or guilty or embarrassed etc.That is because your conscious knows it was wrong but your subconscious does not realise this which is why you are having a tuga war between the two reactions.Once your subconscious has the same awareness as the conscious you will be free to be you.

Inner Child Work
I believe that when we have traumatic experiences and make an opinion about ourselves and the world we live in regarding the experience we lock in our views at that age and continue to live in accordance to them as an adult.
This means that a part of us is still responding as a child in regard to this matter.
(ie dad shows you no love, grow up believing you are undeserving of love from men)
Once we heal this trauma through timeline therapy we grow up the child seeing themselves in this way. Once you heal this old belief and have the realisation that your deserving of love has nothing to do with your fathers' behaviour you no longer have an inner child. You are thinking, acting, and behaving as a civilised grounded stable adult in all areas of your life.
Stuck/ Blocks
How can you help someone who is stuck in life?
When we are stagnant in life this can sometimes last for years and can even go into decades. It is a horrible feeling and it can feel like no matter what you are doing to try and get out of your situation, nothing is working.
Often we speak in metaphors, get a sense of symbols, or have dreams that represent this space that we are in. (but you don’t need to experience this for this process to work)
Through accessing your subconscious your mind we will unfold the block to break you free. It is a process that is very difficult to explain in words and must be experienced.
Within a couple of weeks of the session, you will notice your life circumstances shifting- through a series of (coincidental) events like a domino effect leading you to the next part of your life. (I have witnessed freedom from toxic relationships, workplaces, depression, and the return of a missing person).
(Trust me I know this does not make much sense but when experienced it can change your life.)

Age Regression/ Past Life Regression
Regression work is the cornerstone to my form of therapy. As most of our limitations are from interpretations of events and we can reinterpret ourselves, others, and life by regressing into our past and growing up our inner child so the adult is free from the younger versions views they had on themselves.
Sometimes clients wish to go further into the past or spontaneously go back to birth, other life times or in between lives.
Whether you believe in this or not, does not matter. You can still experience this style of regression.
Whether the past life is real or a metaphor for your life this form of regression can have many healing properties as it comes with wisdoms and perspectives that relate to your current life circumstances.
Sound Therapy
Studies have shown that sound has a direct impact on the mental processes, muscles, nervous system, heartbeat, pulse, digestive system and circulatory system.
Alignment with the tones of Crystal Bowls is one of the most dynamic forms of sound therapy found today.
There are many benefits to using Crystal Bowls, here are just a few:
- Significantly reduces anxiety
- Stimulates theta brain waves (subconscious)
- Helps lower blood pressure
- Deep relaxation
- Reduces stress & anger
- Increases mental and emotional clarity
- Lessens depression
- Improves respiratory & heart rate
Cymatics is a scientific study of sound made visible, creating geometric natural universal patterns by sound vibrations. Researchers such as Hans Jenny and other renowned scientists in this field such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Michael Faraday, Margaret Watts-Hughes, Leonard Horowitz, Dr Masaru Emoto and John Stuart Reid have experimented with cymatics over time in many different ways
These studies have shown that our interaction with sound can have a profound effect on the body whether it is positive or negative. As the human body is made up of more than 70% of water, we can use sound to heal the water molecules, cells and every organ in the body with intention via the use of crystal bowls returning the body to homeostasis. The body has an innate understanding of how to heal, but sometimes it needs a tune up to come back into harmony and balance. A Sound Journey with crystal bowls can balance the nervous system and balance the left & right brain hemispheres and can leave us feeling rejuvenated and completely relaxed.
At Nat Lynn Mind Therapy we add the modality of Sound Therapy increase the health benefits

Ready to let go of those parts of you that are holding you back?
Whether it is affecting your career, social life, relationships or your personal life, it doesn’t matter how long you have suffered. Together we can reprogram your automatic behaviours so both parts of you are working in alignment.
Or give us a call on 0403 147 680